What Is BOTOX Cosmetic Used For?
Environmental factors, stress, and age can all have a significant impact on our skin. Over time, skin loses its flexibility and elasticity. This can result in visual changes that significantly impact a person’s appearance. BOTOX Cosmetic can help to correct some of these problem areas and create a more youthful appearance. There are several changes that BOTOX Cosmetic can help reduce or reverse.
Soften Chin and Jawline
The loss of definition in the jawline can result in the development of a square-shaped jaw. BOTOX Cosmetic can help to soften the effects of the muscles and create a more contoured and slimmer look. An injection into the lower cheek area can also help to improve symmetry in the face.
Improve How Jowls Appear
Jowls appear as a result of sagging skin that dips below the chin area. At some point in everyone’s life, these will develop. To reduce the appearance of jowls, BOTOX Cosmetic can help tighten up the skin and create a nice, smooth neckline.
A BOTOX “Nose Job”
Through the natural aging process, it is common for the nose to start sagging down. BOTOX Cosmetic can help release the muscles that pull downward, causing the nose to lift up and provide your face with a more youthful appearance.
Improve a Gummy Smile
As the upper lip thins out with age, it can create an effect of having a gummy smile. This can have a major impact on a person’s self-esteem. BOTOX Cosmetic can help to address this problem by adding more fullness, which will reduce the appearance of gums when smiling.
See If BOTOX Cosmetic Is Right for You
If you would like to see how BOTOX Cosmetic can help you, request an appointment at Chatham Plastic Surgery today by calling their Savannah, GA, office at (912) 446-1985. Their team can meet with you for a consultation to determine if BOTOX Cosmetic can help you achieve your goals.