Breast augmentation surgery is a proven safe and effective way for women to achieve the aesthetic goals and the desired appearance of their chests. Advancements in surgical techniques and materials have increased successes and long-term results of augmentation surgery. However, much of the success is from following a recovery plan.
During the first day after the surgery there will be some soreness, swelling, and potential bruising. These will quickly fade and are temporary. The initial pain during this time will also subside. Roughly a week after the surgery, you will have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon to ensure everything is healing. By this time, most of the acute pain should have subsided, with only minor aches remaining.
Around 4 weeks after the surgery, most if not all of the pain should have subsided. There may still be some bruising and swelling, but this is only temporary and will diminish as the deeper areas in the breasts continue to heal. Up to this point, you should refrain from strenuous activity and lifting objects over your head. During this time, stability and protection of your chest is important to achieving successful results.
About 6 weeks after your surgery, the pain and swelling should be gone. Most patients report seeing the final result around this time, and normal activities can resume. You should expect to meet with your surgeon one last time after this to make sure everything healed properly.
If you want to hear more about breast augmentation surgery or to get started on achieving your aesthetic goals, contact Dr. Carl Pearl and the team at Chatham Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA at 912-446-1985 or visit to schedule a consultation today. Dr. Peral and his team of expert aestheticians will work with you to develop a treatment plan that provides the longest-lasting results, using safe and easy treatment methods that fit your schedule.