beautiful caucasian young shirtless woman holding peony flower

Recovery From Dermal Filler Treatments

beautiful caucasian young shirtless woman holding peony flower If you have stubborn wrinkles, crow’s feet, creases, or folds on your face, dermal fillers may be a great option to bring back a youthful and radiant look. For some patients, the idea of seeing a plastic surgeon or receiving an injectable dermal filler may bring about some anxiety and fear of risks, recovery, and the potential for an unnatural, “fake” appearance,

Modern advancements in dermal filler formulations and treatment methods can help put those fears to rest. No longer is there only a “one-size-fits-all” filler that can provide great-looking results in one area but cause a disproportionate look in another. Now, there is a wide variety of formulas and injectables which can often be used together to bring enhancement to your overall face.

Some of the most popular dermal filler options include hyaluronic acid, collagen, and fat transfer (fat cells harvested from elsewhere in your own body). Each of these is a naturally occurring molecule within your body. With age, the body does not make as much and sometimes needs a slight boost to maintain the volume and toned look to the face.

Each dermal filler has specific advantages that may make it the best option for one area, with another type used for another. Since they are proven safe and effective and can be used together, complete treatment sessions can usually take less than an hour.

Although dermal fillers are an injection of foreign material, since they are minimally invasive and are of naturally occurring molecules, they come with minimal risks or need for extensive downtime or recovery.

In general, it is best to give yourself some time to rest after each treatment. Although there are no restrictions to activities after, the longer you can allow the injections to work, the better your results will be. The most important thing to avoid is any rubbing or impact on the treated area. It is extremely rare, but this may cause uneven healing.

With the safety and convenience of dermal fillers, there is no reason not to treat yourself and bring back a glowing and radiant look to your face. Contact Dr. Carl Pearl and Chatham Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA, at 912-446-1985, or visit to schedule a consultation and get started on achieving your aesthetic goals.

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